The memories left this time, every magazine has already told, but let’s check back anyways.
Today, for the sake of remembering the story, let’s copy and file everything away into an article so that when you look back, you can say, “Waa! That was a wonderfully happy time. I’m going to treasure this!”as you make this tearful comment.
To put it simply, when you see this place, you will think of it very deeply, and carry it back with you and be deeply moved by it. Their pure and genuine emotions always 助けられてたなぁ……。
This file contains “Tohoshinki’s History in Japan”. In the beginning, their style was very “rough” and their faces young and naive- which when everyone smiled at when they saw it.
Changmin and Junsu seems to have changed the most; laughing at their older photos- the one where Junsu was whistling sideways while looking at recent articles, he seems to be in a good mood (laughs). When Changmin saw this, he said, “Look, Junsu! You look as you did back in the old days!” while laughing excitedly. “Really?”Junsu said his thoughts in Korean. (laughs) Everyone said “Silly Junsu as always” (laughs)
“But who is the one who changed the most?” asked the writer. Jaejoong answered Yoochun, Changmin answered Jaejoong, Yunho also answered Yoochun…it seems like a lot of people said Yoochun. “Oh, so you mean the one who’s hairstyle who changed the most, right?” the writer concluded (laughs). It seems that Yoochun agrees too.
Then, this was written in the magazine, but if we continued this series….the next time we talk, the members give their “places they want to go” and why…however, we still have a great question at the very end, where they continue to laugh and give a pleasant atmosphere.
Lastly, “So Kawashima san, what was the hardest plan?”we asked about Jaejoong. Straightening himself out, he answered frankly that even though preparing was the busiest moment, every month he would welcome them with smiles, always having fun while planning out the next schedule, and after finishing covering the article, he would be filled with exhiliration and content. So then, there IS no person who changed the most. So thus, these five has always kept and given a positive attitude.
From the beginning, they have always faced others with respect, have never forgotten their thankful and grateful attitudes, and have always been able to communicate warmly with others. When the series ends, if we have more coverage for a new release, please continue to follow Tohoshinki’s news with us.

That was a long article and a period of time (you have taken to read), thank you very much! After, everyone please continue to enjoy our articles in every other month! We really want to thank you! Next month, in magazine “WHAT’s IN?” February Issue (available 2009, January 14th” Tohoshinki will make an entrance on the cover! Please look forward to it!
・.。credits: sharingyoochun, whisperpuppies@soompi (translates), DNBN (pics) & SMTOWN LOVER @Blogspot。.・
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